Категория: Кулинария
Н. Фуникова - Чудо-тыква

Семь поварят - ваши незаменимые помощники в будни и праздники. Доверяйте их опыту и смело следуйте их советам! Все блюда, рецепты которых приводятся в книге, приготовлены и апробированы в кулинарной студии издательства "Аркаим". Каждый рецепт сопровождается цветной иллюстрацией, информацией о времени приготовления и калорийности блюда.
Категория: Кулинария
Кулинарные шедевры мира - Иллюстрированная энциклопедия 6 томов

Иллюстрированная энциклопедия представляет собой сборник рецептов кулинарных шедевров народов мира с описанием приготовления и с хорошими иллюстрациями.
Категория: Кулинария
Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition, Four-Volume Set, Second Edition

The Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition is a superb attempt to incorporate into one three-volume textbook the many elements of the rapidly expanding science of nutrition. The book is timely, given the increased interest in diet and health by the general public worldwide. It is broad based and covers the physiologic aspects of nutrient and energy requirements of different populations; measurements of dietary intake and nutritional status; the nutrient composition of the main food groups; associations between diet, lifestyle, and disease
Категория: Кулинария
Healthy Cooking for Secondary Schools - Book 5

Healthy Cooking for Secondary Schools (Book 5) is part of a series of five books, providing a practical cooking programme for secondary schools, designed to foster enthusiasm for cooking and give young people the tools they need to choose a healthy lifestyle. For each recipe, there are essential cooking skills, theory and health and safety points, introduced progressively throughout the series. All these skills are a necessary part of cooking and when mastered early, your students gain a positive experience of self-achievement and satisfaction, and yes, they take great delight in trying the results for themselves! Each book contains 12 easy-to-follow, photocopiable recipes, presented in both a traditional recipe format and in a visual, step-by-step format, so that all students, whatever their ability, can learn to cook. All the recipes have been tried, tested and enjoyed by students in the author's school
Категория: Кулинария
The Splendid Table's How to Eat Weekends: New Recipes, Stories, and Opinions from Public Radio's Award-Winning Food Show

In this enticing follow-up to their first book, Lynne Rossetto Kasper and Sally Swift, host and producer of The Splendid Table public radio show, celebrate Saturday and Sunday—those two days of the week when the pressure is off, time becomes your ally, and you get to slow down and dig into cooking in a different way.
In The Splendid Table's How to Eat Weekends, Lynne and Sally take you on escapades for a deeply pleasurable experience. They want you to head to different neighborhoods and markets, gather up ingredients, and embrace new cooking techniques and flavors that will carry over into your everyday meals. They include backstories about the rituals and reasons behind particular dishes (such as why lettuce figures into southern Chinese New Year celebrations) and take you deep into the aromatic aisles of ethnic markets and neighborhoods.
Категория: Кулинария
Салаты для гурманов

В этой книге Вы найдете массу необычных и вкусных салатов, в которых используются всевозможные разновидности колбас и мяса, рыба, птица, крабы, моллюски, а также макаронные изделия, рис, яйца, сыр, овощи.
Категория: Кулинария
Блюда из мяса, птицы и рыбы

Кулинария — это, несомненно, искусство. И как в любом искусстве, у нее много тайн, секретов, маленьких хитростей. Эта серия станет отличным подспорьем для каждой хозяйки, потому что в нее включены вкусные, питательные, недорогие блюда, которые станут украшением любого стола и удовлетворят самый взыскательный вкус.
Категория: Кулинария
The Primal Blueprint Cookbook

The popularity of the low carb/paleo/Primal way of eating has exploded, as people discover an appealing and sustainable alternative to the restrictive diets and flawed conventional wisdom that lead to burnout and failed weight loss efforts.
The dream of eating satisfying meals-even on a budget-controlling weight and feeling great has now become a reality. As you build momentum for Primal eating, you'll find that you won't even miss the bland, boring, low-fat foods that previously were the central focus of your diet. How can you argue with a menu that includes Roasted Leg of Lamb with Herbs and Garlic, Salmon Chowder with Coconut Milk, Tomatoes Stuffed with Ground Bison and Eggs, and Baked Chocolate Custard?
Меню сайта:
Любовный роман
Исусство и культура
Гуманитарные науки
Здоровье, спорт
Детские книги
Поэзия, стихи
Естественные науки
Компьютерная лит-ра
Фотография и видео
Дизайн и графика
Живопись и рисование
Военная тематика
Строительство, ремонт
Дом и семья
Умелые руки
Шитьё и вязание
Сад ,огород ,хозяйство
Охота и рыбалка
Хобби и развлечения
Учебные пособия

Детям и родителям
Женские журналы
Мужские журналы
Охота и рыбалка
О здоровье
Строительство, дизайн
Рукоделие, сделай сам
Сад и дом

Развлечение и юмор
Детские аудиокниги
Психология, люди
Изучение языков
Обучающие аудиокниги

Топ 10

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