JavaScript и DHTML. Сборник рецептов для профессионалов.

Книга: javascript и DHTML. Сборник рецептов для профессионалов.
Автор: Д. Гудман
Формат: pdf
Размер: 8,5 Мб
Качество: Отличное
Язык: Русский
Год издания: 2004
Страниц: 523
Книга рассказывает о совместном использовании HTML и javascript для создания интерфктивных веб-страниц. На многочисленных примерах рассматриваются все возможности языка javascript, от простых до самых сложных.
 Perl-Отладчик. Кишеньковий довідник

Автор: Фоули Р
Видавництво: Кудиц-Образ
Рік: 2005
Сторінок: 208
Формат: DJVU
Розмір: 2.5 MB
Отладчик Perl-Програм є універсальним інструментом, який повинен бути присутнім в арсеналі кожного програміста мовою Perl. Включений в усі базові дистрибутиви Perl, отладчик дозволяє програмістам управляти виконанням програм, вивчати змінні, установлювати брейкпоинты й здійснювати покрокове просування по програмі, а також рядок за рядком вести пошук джерела проблем
Ви тримаєте першу книгу, яка повністю присвячена отладчику Perl-Програм. Вона є як довідником, так і підручником для будь-якого Perl-Програміста. Кишеньковий варіант.
Linux Security

Автор: Shadab Siddiqui
Назва: Linux Security
Видавництво: Premier Press
Рік: 2002
Формат: pdf
Розмір: 2,6 Mb
Electronic commerce has become a significant part of business. As more companies are moving to the Web, there is a growing need to ensure the security of servers. Viruses and hackers aren't the only threats; with e-business, the illegitimate use of information also is a major concern. The Linux operation system is widely used for networking and software development. It includes features to identify and control breaches of security, both internal and external. Linux Security gives you the knowledge to maximize the benefits of Linux products, keep your business safe, and gain a competitive edge!
C Programming in Linux

Автор: David Haskins
Назва: C Programming in Linux
Видавництво: Ventus Publishing
Рік: 2009
Формат: pdf
Розмір: 7 Mb
Using a series of web development examples, this free book 'C Programming in Linux' will give you an interesting glimpse into a powerful lower-level world.
C is tight and spare and economical, and in the current world climate people who know C will ensure critical systems keep running.
A knowledge of C is now and has been for years a pre-requisite for serious software professionals and with the recent popularity and maturity of Open Systems this is even more true.
Excel 2007 Dashboards & Reports For Dummies

Автор: Michael Alexander
Назва: Excel 2007 Dashboards & Reports For Dummies
Видавництво: Wiley Publishing
Рік: 2008
Формат: pdf
Розмір: 12,6 Mb
The goal of this book is to show you how to leverage Excel functionality to build and manage better reporting mechanisms. Each chapter in this book provides a comprehensive review of the technical and analytical concepts that help you create better reporting components — components that can be used for both dashboards and reports.
Regular Expressions Cookbook

Автор: Jan Goyvaerts, Steven Levithan
Назва: Regular Expressions Cookbook
Видавництво: O'reilly
Рік: 2009
Формат: pdf
Розмір: 2,9 Mb
This cookbook provides more than 100 recipes to help you crunch data and manipulate text with regular expressions. Every programmer can find uses for regular expressions, but their power doesn't come worry-free. Even seasoned users often suffer from poor performance, false positives, false negatives, or perplexing bugs. Regular Expressions Cookbook offers step-by-step instructions for some of the most common tasks involving this tool, with recipes for C#, Java, javascript, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, and VB.NET.
Pro Silverlight for the Enterprise

Автор: Ashish Ghoda
Назва: Pro Silverlight for the Enterprise
Видавництво: Apress
Рік: 2009
Формат: pdf
Розмір: 18,6 Mb
Microsoft Silverlight 2 is a new development platform designed to make the development of Rich Internet Applications (Rias) far easier than has previously been possible. Pro Silverlight for the Enterprise addresses the question of how you can bring Silverlight 2 to your company to provide rich Internet experiences that will interface cleanly with your existing application architecture.
Version Control with Git: Powerful tools and techniques for collaborative software development

Автор: Jon Loeliger
Назва: Version Control with Git: Powerful tools and techniques for collaborative software development
Видавництво: O'reilly
Рік: 2009
Формат: pdf
Розмір: 2,1 Mb
Version Control with Git takes you step-by-step through ways to track, merge, and manage software projects, using this highly flexible, open source version control system. Git permits virtually an infinite variety of methods for development and collaboration. Created by Linus Torvalds to manage development of the Linux kernel, it's become the principal tool for distributed version control. But Git's flexibility also means that some users don't understand how to use it to their best advantage. Version Control with Git offers tutorials on the most effective ways to use it, as well as friendly yet rigorous advice to help you navigate Git's many functions. With this book, you will: Learn how to use Git in several real-world development environments Gain insight into Git's common-use cases, initial tasks, and basic functions Understand how to use Git for both centralized and distributed version control Use Git to manage patches, diffs, merges, and conflicts Acquire advanced techniques such as rebasing, hooks, and ways to handle submodules (subprojects) Learn how to use Git with Subversion
Git has earned the respect of developers around the world. Find out how you can benefit from this amazing tool with Version Control with Git.
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