The Girls of Penthouse №9-10 (september-october 2013)

Категория: Мужские журналы | автор: klot85 | Просмотров: +552
The Girls of Penthouse №9-10 (september-october 2013)

The Girls Of Penthouse - журнал любимый миллионами мужчин на нашей планете, которые всегда с нетерпением ждут каждый выпуск, самых красивых девушек найдёте на страницах глянца.

We like to think that The Girls of Penthouse is a hard-hitting magazine. You get the hottest Penthouse Pets, their horniest girlfriends and their hardest studs, but with this issue we really turn up the heat. Say hello to Adrianna Luna. Not only is she one of the sexiest stars in adult, she's just as comfortable in a mixed martial arts octagon as she is sucking and fucking in your favorite videos.
But she's not the only ass-kicking beauty we have for you. If you have a taste for the exotic, you'll enjoy seeing Charmane Star get a workout from Randy Spears in the erotic pictorial "Star Fucker"; Lily LaBeau takes a "Wild Ride" on some big cocks; and Tristan Kingsley finds something "Shiny and New" to play with while her lover's away. So give yourself over to this month's fantastic fuck stars and tap one out to the sluttiest girls of Penthouse!

Название: The Girls Of Penthouse
Год: 2013
Номер: 9-10
Страниц: 100
Формат: PDF
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