Playboy. Special Collector's Edition. Beach Babes (May 2016)

Категория: Мужские журналы | автор: klot85 | Просмотров: +333
Playboy. Special Collector's Edition. Beach Babes (May 2016)
Playboy предлагает специальный выпуск с отобранными со всего мира 100 высококачественными фото супермоделей, объединённых общей темой.

Tennyson’s Ulysses said we are "always roaming with a hungry heart.” The urge to get away from it all is universal, but the destinations we choose are varied and personal. We travel for a sense of freedom and adventure, driven by the desire to see and experience new places and to leave our daily cares behind. On the following pages, a host of sensual women have been photographed in fabulous and far-reaching locations. Welcome to paradise, wherever your fantasies tell you that may be. Never mind the passport, just bring your imagination along and leave the rest to us.

Название: Playboy. Special Collector's Edition
Год: 2016
Страниц: 100
Язык: английский
Формат: PDF
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